Carrie Cox, A Profile in Compassion
Not too many charities are named after a dog, but RAINA Reaching ALL In Need of Assistance is the exception. You may remember the huge Friday evening thunderstorm in 2016 that crashed trees and generally wreaked havoc. Downriver resident Carrie Cox returned to her home that night and discovered a female pitbull sitting on her front porch, shivering and in rough shape. Exhaustive efforts to find this sweet dog’s owner proved fruitless. Cox decided to make sure she received the medical care she needed, started fundraising to pay for it, and eventually placed her in a loving home. The dog was christened Raina and a charity slowly came to life.
Cox has been an animal advocate for many years. RAINA initially focused on providing assistance with food, supplies, and medical expenses to shelters and other animal resource groups as needs were identified. Gradually their focus expanded to include helping people as well.
“Reaching ALL In Need of Assistance” means just that. The organization that Cox founded provides help on a number of fronts. As part of their mission, they serve as a pass-through of sorts by hosting fundraising efforts that directly benefit other charities. Their signature “Because of the Brave” Gala is dedicated to both honoring veterans and providing funds to veteran service organizations who have requested assistance. In a creative adjustment due to the pandemic, the 2020 event has been transformed into an online auction and tribute.
RAINA also collaborates routinely with local charity Feeding Detroit and Downriver (FDDR). The task is simple yet incredibly difficult: feeding the hungry. They partner with local businesses and individuals to cook and deliver meals to people experiencing food insecurity and homelessness. Additionally, RAINA provides clothing, toiletries, furniture, and other necessities as needed. As an example, on just one weekend during this quarantine, Cox and RAINA volunteers did porch drop-offs of meals and staples to those in need and made over 400 sandwiches for the homeless. They also delivered homemade Easter baskets for a morale boost and 150 packages of cheer to isolated seniors in a local nursing home.
Cox approaches this work with humility and gratitude. As a long-time single mother, she has had first-hand experience with the challenges faced by many of the people she helps. Economic circumstances ebb and flow, but compassion is a constant. In her view, it could be anyone in need at any given time. Juggling a growing charity, home life, and a business seems daunting but Cox handles it with grace and humor. She is the owner and operator of The Hair Culture, a salon within Sola Salon Studios in Woodhaven. She has been a stylist for over 20 years and is excited to see her clients and get back to work again once the shelter in place order has been lifted.
More information about RAINA may be found on their Facebook Raina Helps!