Remember when….?
Do you remember these stores and restaurants?
Downriver has always been a mecca for mom-and-pop restaurants. Many “big-box” stores and restaurants have also called Downriver their home. For whatever reasons, these establishments have left the area or the entire commercial market but have left their memorable marks on many Downriver residents.
Have you ever visited these establishments from days gone by? Take a trip down memory lane, and see how many of the businesses below that you recognize.
About the image above: Park Plaza in Lincoln Park from approximately 1960 or ’61. This is the section south of Emmons. (Courtesy of Barry Hill)
Many facts are contributed from Downriver History and Facts.
1897 Smokehouse A & P A & W Trenton Affholter's Creamery Allen Park Bar Amanda's Anchor Inn Angel's Candy Store Anny's Candy Store Arlan's Arthur Treacher's Aunt Alice's Awad's Market Baker Shoes Baker's Square Barczak's Gate House Baxter Hardware Belmar Bowling (Trenton) Ben Franklin Biff's Coffeehouse Big Apple Bill Knapps Blazo's Bonanza Borden Burger Bucki's Burger Chef Buster Brown Camelot Inn Carter's Hamburgers Chatham's Chi-Chi's China Boy (A. Park) Ciungan's Clemente's Clock Restaurant Coffee Pot (Rouge) Colonial House Columbo's Connor's Copy Cat Corky's Corrigan's Count's Pizza Covered Wagon Inn Cozy Corner Crowley Hardware Cunningham Drugs D.C. 5 & 10 Daly Drive-In Damon's Dasher Drugs Debbie's DeLuca's Dmitri's Dog & Suds Dolce Vita Duff's E.J. Korvette Ecorse Drive In Elmer's Rustic Steak Pit Elsie's Chicken Shack Emogene's Empel's Epps Sporting Goods Euro Diner F.W. Woolworth Farmer Jack Farrell's Federals Fergie's Fish & Chips Fiorelli's Fisher's Apparel Flamingo's Forest City Fort George DriveIn Frankie's (Ecorse) Franklin's Restaurant (Ecorse) Frank's Bar Frank's Nursery Fratello's Fretter Appliance Gail's Office Supply Girodano's Golden Point Great Scott Grove Drugs Grybal's Hardware Guy's Pizza Hans Schnizelbank Hartman's Heide's Henry's Highland Appliance Hi-Lo Restaurant His Place Holly's Costumes House of BBQ Howard Johnson's Howard's Burgers HQ H-Salt Fish & Chips Hughes & Hatcher Hungry Crab Hungry Penguin J.L. Hudson Company Jack In The Box Jack's Party Store JC Penny (Lincoln Park) Jean Nicole Jobee's Drive-In Joey's Stables Johnny's Nursery | Johnson's Dining Johnson's Restaurant Joshua Doore Jumbo Supermarket Junior Achievement Kaul's Kinney Shoes Kowalski Deli L.G. Haig Lawson's Leewards Lerner's Lichee Gardens Lincoln House Long Dollar Louie's By The Airport Lucky Drugs MaCauley's Magic Pan Marianne, McCrory Mary's Sweet Shop Maury's Triangle Mazzola's McGraw's McLouth Steel Mi Casa Montgomery Ward Maurey’s Grove Mervyn’s Morris Store Mountain Jack's Mr. Steak Mulias & Ellias My Granny's Naum's Catalog Showroom Neisner Five & Dime New York Submarine Old Country Buffet Old Fashion Pancake House Olympic BBQ Omeo's Open Cars Orchard Grove Owen's Restaurant Palace Fine Foods Palumbo's Pants Galore Peppina's Piper's Plum Place Poplar Inn Poremba's Poster Pit Potter's Real McCoy Red Barn Rexall Pharmacy Richmond Drugs Rio Bravo Cantina Rita's Drive-In Robert Hall Ron's Par-T-Pak Rosie's Royal Ascot Ryan's Steakhouse S.S. Kresge Co. Sam's Bar Scotty Gall's Seafood Bay Sears Roebuck & Co. (soon) Sentry Drugs Service Merchandise Shopper's World Sign of the Beefcarver Silverman's Sims Menswear Sir George's Six Stars Spartan/Atlantic Stanley's Truck Stop Star Diner Stone Fruit Market Stonehenge Bar Stoner's Hobby Susie's Casuals Suzie Q Sveden House Symak's Taylortown Center Ted's Place The Forge The Nugget The Timbers Three Sisters Tijuana's Topps Trovano's Truan's Candies Tulio LaRiviera Twin Pines Uncle Harry's Virgil's Vitale's Wabeek Dining Room Watkins Hamburgers Wickes Furniture Wing Wah Chop Suey Winkelman's Wishbone (Allen Park) Wong's Woolworth Counter Wrigley's Wyandotte Record Exchange |