04/06/2023 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
5437 W Jefferson
Trenton, MI 48183
Trenton, MI 48183
2023 “Conservation Conversations” Events: Meet Scientists & Stewards
The Michigan Conservation Stewards Program (CSP) is hosting a series of in-person events held in various locations on current research and management approaches, unique natural communities, and diverse partnerships involved in supporting Michigan ecosystems.
Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and engage in discussion with the speaker. Local partners will be available to share information about the work they do and how to get involved in local conservation efforts. MSU Extension staff will provide information about the 2023 Fall Michigan Conservation Stewards Programs and other MSU Extension programs being offered in 2023.
The April 6th event runs from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm and features Shay Keretz who will be presenting “Native and invasive mussels in the Detroit and St. Clair Rivers.” This event is being hosted in partnership with the Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge Science Lecture Series.
Pre-registration is required for each event: https://events.anr.msu.edu/ConservationConversationsApril6/
The full list of “Conservation Conversations” can be found on the CSP website:https://www.canr.msu.edu/conservation_stewards_program/